L+T with Grace Titus: Video Games, a Lana Del Ray cover



The song: Video Games. by Lana Del Ray

The question: What’s one thing you want listeners to take away from your music?

The answer: I choose songs and I write songs mostly because I like the lyrics. I think lyrics are a very big part of my song writing and my process when it comes to that because I think often in current music it gets overlooked, the real deep meaning of lyrics.

A lot of older songs have really nice meaning behind some of them and I think that’s often lost. When I choose covers, I choose them on melody because they should be fun to sing, but also on the message they have.

All my songs, I mean I can’t write any love songs because I’m only 16, but I write songs about my experiences and hopefully people can learn from those as well as the covers I choose.

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Special thanks to Scriptown Studios for hosting us.

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